【经销商】大爱不分国界新明珠海外经销商为企业捐赠一批防疫物资 |
【jingxiaoshang】2020-2-22发表: 大爱不分国界新明珠海外经销商为企业捐赠一批防疫物资 2020年,我们迎来了一个特殊的春天。一场无声的战“疫”正在打响,医护人员化身战士,在前方筑起了捍卫生命的防线,全民自觉发起居家防疫行动。众志成城,共克时艰!thespringof2020i 大爱不分国界新明珠海外经销商为企业捐赠一批防疫物资2020年,我们迎来了一个特殊的春天。 一场无声的战“疫”正在打响,医护人员化身战士,在前方筑起了捍卫生命的防线,全民自觉发起居家防疫行动。众志成城,共克时艰! the spring of2020 is special. an epedemic campaign between chinese and the viruses broke out. the medical personals turned into soldiers, built a defensive wall for lives behind them. at the same time,home based prevention was launched. everyone united together to overcome difficulties! 在这个防疫物资倍显珍贵的时刻,新明珠陶瓷集团收到了来自国外各地经销商朋友们的捐赠。 at this time when medical materials are much more precious, newpearl group has received donations from business friends all over the world. 积少成多,滴水成河,这一箱箱、一件件的物资承载着海内外事业合作伙伴深厚的友谊,历时数日辗转经过多个城市,最终到达广东佛山。 these materials which has travelled through many cities for several days and finally reached foshan, witnessed the profound friendship between china and foreign countries. thousands of masks donated by friends from indonesia, japan, south korea, etc. 新明珠陶瓷集团携全体员工向世界各地的经销商朋友们表示衷心的感谢!有了你们的支持,我们终将战胜新型冠状病毒肺炎,驱散阴霾迎来温暖的曙光。 on behalf of all the employees, newpearl group would like to extend sincere gratitude to our family and friends all around world! with your support, we will defeat the novel coronavirus pneumonia eventually. 严冬远去,花开有时! 春天来了,愿一切美好如约而至。 since the winter has gone, the spring will not be far.may all the good things come as expected. 瓷砖相关 经销商年会经销商峰会经销会议经销商培训经销商大会经销商年会经销商峰会经销商,本资讯的关键词:经销商新明珠珠海海外防疫物资大爱企业捐赠 (【jingxiaoshang】更新:2020/2/22 7:07:15)